Delivering solutions to where you work in Microsoft Outlook, minimises change and creates greater engagement of your SharePoint solutions.
Reduce compliance and records management risk through better email management.
Email and document preview (Outlook style experience)

Preview emails and documents stored in SharePoint / Office 365 from Microsoft Outlook.
- Embedded preview using Office Web Apps Server
- Embedded preview of email messages
- Performance controls for local previews.
SharePoint views and metadata in Microsoft Outlook

Access SharePoint public and private views for the selected location with full access to group, sort and filter settings.
- Outlook style experience for greater adoption
- Adheres to SharePoint performance and view thresholds.
Increase information visibility across project teams.
Email as links / Email as attachments

Fast access to SharePoint content with productivity actions such as Insert as Link, Insert as attachment.
- Promote sending links to SharePoint documents
- Remain productive and promote SharePoint adoption
Access item properties from Outlook

Access SharePoint items in Outlook for fast access to both content and metadata.
- View properties for list and library items
- Start workflows and see version history quickly
- Fast access to SharePoint item properties
Securely manage enterprise information with SharePoint / Microsoft 365.
Search SharePoint from Outlook

Search SharePoint / Office 365 for content while staying in Microsoft Outlook.
- Define one or more search locations for different business solutions
- Full SharePoint / Office 365 search capabilities
Browse SharePoint from Outlook

From within the Outlook style experience for SharePoint, you can simply toggle to the full SharePoint web browser experience
- Access SharePoint branding, customizations
- Full access to advanced SharePoint capabilities